Footwear lining Type B

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Footwear / Shoes Thermal Insulation Lining

CICsorb® Footwear / Shoes Thermal Insulation lining have the superior property of Light weight, Thin, Soft, Breathing and Waterproof. It is widely used in footwear to help keep you warm when it is cold outside. the unique microfibers that make up material insulation work by trapping air molecules between you and the outside. The more air a material traps in a given space, the better it insulates you from the cold outside air. Because the fibers in insulation are finer than the fibers used in most other synthetic or natural insulation, they trap more air in less space, which naturally makes insulation a better insulator.

Technical data

 · Usage: Footwear, Boots, Shoes and Accessories

 · Composition: 65% Polypropylene + 35%Polyester

 · Weight Range: 100 g/m2 - 600 g/m2

 · Surface: Double side embossed

 · Flammability: Class 1

 · Moisture Content: ≤0.4%

 · Available Width: 60" (1.52 meters) roll width with a 3" (7.6 cm) inside core.

Product Type
oz/yd2 mm inch   clo   m2k/w Width x Length
B100 100 3.4 2 0.08 0.4 0.07 1.52 x 182 meters
B200 200 6.8 4 0.16 0.9 0.14 1.52 X 91 meters
B300 300 10.2 6 0.24 1.4 0.21 1.52 X 60 meters 
B400 400 13.6 8 0.32 1.8 0.28 1.52 X 45 meters
B500 500 17.0 10 0.40 2.3 0.35 1.52 X 35 meters
B600 600 20.4 12 0.48 2.8 0.42 1.52 X 30 meters

Typical gram weights for various footwear:

- B200 for cool conditions or high activity levels- Recommended for work boots, hiking boots, rubber bottom boots, hunting boots, snowboard boots, alpine ski boots, safety shoes, or athletic winter boots.
- B400 for cold conditions or moderate activity levels- Recommended for rubber bottom boots, hiking boots, PVC boots, hunting boots, safety shoes, or work boots.
- B600 for very cold conditions - Recommended for hiking boots, work boots, hunting boots, safety shoes.


  • Binhai Industry Zone,

    Wenzhou city, Zhejiang

    32500, China



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